Monday, May 14, 2012

The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow

Finally, the sun is up when my eyes open! Last week, the mornings in Los Angeles were overcast. The sun wouldn't show it's face until about noon. For some reason seeing the sun this morning reminds me of all the places in the world I've lived and visited. You know, no matter where you are, the beauty of the sun never changes. Our challenges in life change. Our circumstances in life change. But the sun, the beauty of life, and our planet always stay the same (thankfully). Everywhere I've been I've had great experiences, crazy experiences, and challenges that seemed impossible at the time. Funny, the challenges are what I remember most. That's when I grew the most. As I see the sun this morning and reminisce, I can't help but smile and feel at peace. I've lived and am living a phenomenal life. I'm also thinking about the countries I haven't yet visited and awoken in to see the sun. Since my boyfriend is Portuguese and spent a portion of his childhood in Lisbon, Portugal, I found a picture showing a sunrise there. I haven't shared this with him yet, but I look forward to waking up and seeing the sun there one day.

"When the sun rises, it rises for everyone."

Cuban Proverb

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