Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I love my life.  It's a roller-coaster ride full of ups, downs, twists, and turns that, these days, have become very exciting.  Do you feel that way?  I hope you do.  I don't think there's anything I'm doing in my life that I don't want to do (besides the dishes every now and then).  Nor, do I have any regrets.  I returned home to California a year and a half ago assuming my life would go one way.  Turns out God had different plans for me.  It ended up going a totally different way that I never saw coming!  And, guess what?  I am so happy about it!  It's amazing how enjoyable life can be, and how content you become when you have a positive mindset.  

I've spent the last 11 months working to create a positive mindset.  And, let me tell you, it hasn't been easy.  It's been a long, and often turbulent journey that I still work at everyday.  I was never a negative person, but negativity did have somewhat of a hold on my life for a very long time.  Negative thinking was introduced to me at a very young age.  Growing up, there were times when challenges would make me think so negatively about things that I'd want to run away from life.  I would go through challenges kicking and screaming, doubting my self-worth, comparing myself to others, and wanting what other people had.  But, here's what I now know: strength comes in  weakness.  Adversity doesn't have to be as challenging as we make it out to be.    

I'm now in a new chapter in my life.  My new goal is to pinpoint my purpose(s).  I believe this blog will bring me close.  Being an Entrepreneur has brought me much closer.  If you can survive the ups, downs, twists, and turns of owning your own business, I believe you can accomplish almost anything.  

"What life means to us is determined, not so much by what life brings as by the attitude we bring to life; not so much by what happens to us as by our reaction to what happens."

Lewis L. Dunnington

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